Role: Data Owner
Self Assessment
Review your systems and procedures regularly to ensure the tasks for this risk level are applied.
Data minimization
Limit the storage and collection of data at this risk level to that which is necessary to accomplish the legitimate purpose for which it is collected.
Data inventory
Create and maintain an information inventory that includes classification level, information owner, and users with access.
Application inventory
Create and maintain an application inventory that includes assigned risk classification level, data volume, and users with access.
Review user access
Review which user accounts have access to information at this level regularly – at least annually.
Revoke permissions
Revoke permissions when a user no longer needs access to information (e.g., upon project completion or job change).
Security responsibilities training
Train all users with access to ensure understanding of their responsibilities with regard to handling information.
Security awareness training
Train all users with access to ensure awareness of the risks to information and data